Wooden Blocks Spelling Education

Notes and News

Welcome Back to School Everyone

What will be different this year?

  • Teachers and SNAs will be wearing visors or masks when a 2m distance cannot be maintained
  • Parents are welcome to wear face coverings in the yard
  • Children under 13 are not expected to wear face coverings
  • Children will be sanitising their hands under adult supervision before and after using any learning equipment, before and after handling their books, before eating, and after coming indoors
  • Children will be having lessons on hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, and distancing while walking in the line
  • Children will be staying and playing with their OWN CLASS ONLY ( their “bubble”) all day
  • A very limited group of adults (class teacher, SNA and support teacher) will be working with the children
  • Staff will be working and taking breaks in small teams to reduce interactions and increase distancing
  • We will be implementing strict cleaning procedures twice a day
  • Children will not come into school if they are unwell in any way
  • Staff members will not come to school if they are unwell
  • Classrooms and corridors will be well ventilated
  • Children will be playing outdoors every day whatever the weather and will be need to be dressed appropriately
  • A one-way system will operate on the school grounds in the morning
  • We request that parents and children remain in safely spaced family groups while waiting at the gates or in the yard
  • Parents will not be allowed into the building except by appointment but we will stay in touch with brief outdoor chats, text message, email and phone calls.
  • Meetings will take place only by appointment in safely spaced, well-ventilated environment.
  • We expect all families to cooperate fully with all our safety procedures
  • Any child who is not well will be minded by a member of staff in the parents’ room until they are collected by a parent
  • All details on advice and procedures for schools are available on the website www.gov.ie/backtoschool.

What will be the same?

Like every other new school year, we all look forward to getting back to teaching, learning and reconnecting with friends.

As always, your children’s safety, health, wellbeing and learning are our priority.

Back to School Newsletter – St Brigid’s Infant School 21 Aug

Morning Routines for a Safe Return to School

We have been busy preparing for a safe return to school for children, staff, families and visitors.

Dublin City Council has asked all schools to promote walking, cycling or park ‘n’ stride to school. We are very happy to support and reward this initiative.
Please respect our lollipop people– they are here to help us cross the road safely.

  • To reduce crowding at the school gates, and to accommodate families dropping children to more than one school, St Brigid’s Infant School, St Brigid’s Senior Girls and St Fergal’s have coordinated our drop-offs.
    • Big brothers of our pupils can be dropped off at St Fergal’s for 8.50a.m. The staff in St Fergal’s will be ready to receive the big brothers-we are co-ordinating.
    • Both St Brigid’s Schools will have a MORNING ONE-WAY SYSTEM through the grounds, which will be clearly signposted.
    • All senior school girls, our pupils and parents walk IN by the INFANTS gate. Our children are too young to come in alone.
    • Our children and parents wait in the socially distanced class lines until the teachers collect the lines at 9 am. Social distance spots will be marked on the ground. Each family group must respect social distance whatever the weather. Remember only children and staff will be entering the building.
    • All parents and senior girls walk along the back of Infants yard by the edge of the shelter, through the corridor at the hall and out along by the edge of the shelter in the Girls Yard, down their path and OUT by the GIRLS gate. Keep moving.
    • Bikes, scooters and buggies must be wheeled through both yards.
    • No dogs are permitted on school grounds.
    • No gathering in groups in the yard or at the gates.
    • Access through the middle gate for staff and Senior School special class transport only.
    • Early Start children and parents will enter through Infant Gate and then their own outside doors.
  • Keep right on entering the school grounds.
    • NO PARENTS inside the building without a prior appointment.
    • Punctuality is essential for our system to work.

We will monitor and review this routine during September. Feedback welcome.

Hometime Routine

  • Classes will exit by the upper, middle and lower doors. Parents will wait on the social distance spots in a safely distanced line. Thanks for your cooperation.
  • Junior Infants exit at 1.30 p.m. Senior Infants and First Class at 1.40 p.m.
  • Families will leave by the Infant gate, keeping right at all times on the path.

Before You Leave Home Checklist:

  • Does your child look and feel well?
    • If children seem unwell in any way, they MUST stay at home!
    • Does any member of your household display Covid symptoms?
    • If so, your child must also stay at home.
  • Visit to the toilet last thing before leaving?
  • Hands washed with soap and water for 20 seconds? Nails short?
  • Does your child have a tissue up sleeve?
  • Velcro shoes?


  • Uniform or school tracksuit to be worn. Vest, tights, hat, gloves and warm coat once the weather cools down?
    • Empty lunchbox to bring home uneaten lunch?
    • Are your three contact numbers on our list up-to-date?
    • Is someone available to collect your child if they become unwell during the day. ( They cannot go home by public transport.)

Health and Safety Routines to keep us all safe this year

  1. Children’s hands will be sanitised as soon as they go indoors every morning, and then regularly throughout the day under adult supervision.
  2. Children may wear uniform or tracksuit, with warm coat, gloves and hat in winter. Classrooms will be ventilated regularly throughout the day and the children will have plenty of outdoor learning and fresh air breaks.
  3. Children will be staying and playing in their class bubbles all day. There will be no mixing of classes inside the building or in the yard. The same small group of staff (class teacher, learning support teacher and SNA) will be working with the class.
  4. Staff will be wearing visors or masks in situations where 2m distancing is not possible. Children under 13 are not required to wear face coverings.
  5. There will be no visitors, including parents, allowed into the building without an appointment.
  6. We expect all family groups to respect social distancing in the grounds and on the way to and from school.
  7. Children will be doing SPHE (Social Personal and Health Education) lessons on hand hygiene, cough etiquette, and social distancing.
  8. We will be paying great attention to wellbeing. We want all children and families to settle into a happy, calm, productive routine. We have a whole lot of learning, friendship and fun to catch up on!
  9. We will continue to follow public health advice faithfully and will keep our school community (staff, children and parents) informed and updated through our website, school newsletters and Aladdin text messages. We only listen to information from trusted sources.
  10. Children and staff will not come into school if they are unwell, and will be sent home immediately if they feel unwell during school. Please make sure we have your up-to-date numbers and that there is someone available to collect.

Starting times

First Class and Senior Infants: 9 am – 1.40 pm, beginning Monday 31st August.

Junior Infants: 10 am – 11.15 am beginning Monday 31st August. The Junior Infants will work up to 9a.m. start and a 1.30 p.m. home time over a number of weeks. We will let you know by text message.

Early Start: begins Tuesday 1st September, beginning with a short visit with one parent.
Morning group Afternoon group
Room 8 Emer & Tara 9.00 a.m. – 11.20 a.m. 12.00 p.m. – 2.20 p.m.
Room 10 Barbara & Evelyn 9.00 a.m. – 11.20 a.m. 12.00 p.m. – 2.20 p.m.

Payment for Book Rental, Workbooks and Materials:
There will be a payment desk in the yard. Please have exact change in the envelope.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back for a new school year. If you have any concerns or questions, ask us.