Welcome to our photo gallery.
‘Pyjama Day’
We wore our PJs to school and raised a whopping €453 for Dublin Zoo!!
Halloween 2020
Happy Halloween from all the Junior Infants in Room 3!
We had great fun this month in our Aistear stations! Our home corner was set up as at potion shop. Some of us worked as witches and other scary characters in the shop while some of us were customers ordering potions- some even looking to make teacher invisible!! We constructed spooky castles and witches houses and found and sorted Halloween items in the sand. We got most excited about making our own potions!
Fun in the Classrooms
‘Red Squirrel’ Comes to Visit! Autumn 2020
Summer Camp 2020… (coming soon)
Class of 2020 Graduation… (coming soon)
Learning From Home During Lockdown
The usual day-to-day teaching and learning in St. Brigid’s came to a sudden stop on Thursday 12th March when schools were instructed by the Government to close in order to try and minimise the devastating impact Covid-19 would have on our country. Unfortunately we have been in this situation since then. We have had to adapt how we teach and how children learn and we now have a system up and running which we think is helping children to stay motivated and engaged in learning activities even while they are out of school. We are very grateful to all the parents/guardians, grandparents and families for being so cooperative, helpful and engaged throughout this unusual time. We are also very proud of each and every child in our school. Despite missing their teachers and friends terribly, the children have all been working hard at home. We thought it was very important to acknowledge the dedication of our children and parents so we have been compiling photos of children ‘working from home’. We have been amazed at the wonderful learning opportunities that children are engaging in at home under the superb guidance of their parents, grandparents and siblings. You can have a look at all the photos here. We can’t wait to see you all back in school but until then, stay safe and take care of yourselves and your families.
Fun in the Classrooms (2019/2020)
The children in our school love learning and our teachers love preparing fun, engaging and challenging activities for their classes. Have a look at some of the wonderful learning experiences that have been going on this year.
Early Start (2019/2020)
The children in Early Start settled in really well this year and they have had lots of fun in their classrooms. They designed pumpkins to enter in a competition in the Botanic Gardens and they took a trip there in October to see their pumpkin. They really enjoyed dressing up for Halloween. The children and teachers took a trip to Imaginosity in November. They posted letters to Santa in December. March was a busy month! They dressed up as their favourite book character for World Book Day and they led our St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Book Week – March 2020
Book Week is always an exciting week in St. Brigid’s. Ms May organised some really fun activities this year. Boys from St. Fergal’s school visited and they read stories to our children. The junior infant children and their parents listened to a story together in the library. We had a dress up day for World Book Day. Some of the children and teachers dressed up as their favourite story characters. As a very special treat every child in the school got to take home a copy of the story Giraffe’s Can’t Dance. We are really looking forward to next year’s Book Week!
Christmas in St. Brigid’s 2019
Christmas is always such a fun and exciting time in St. Brigid’s. We had a visit from Santa and he brought all the children a little present. Each class level put on a Christmas performance for the parents and families. They spent lots of time practising in their classrooms and in the hall. All their hard work paid off and the families really enjoyed the performances. The also children performed their songs and plays for the girls in the senior school. We got to watch the girls perform their songs as well. We can’t wait to see what the children have in store next Christmas!
Maths Week – October 2019
For Maths Week this year we invited the girls from the senior school to come into our classrooms to play maths games with all the children. The children really enjoyed playing games with and learning from the older children and the older children enjoyed being the teachers.
Halloween Fun 2019
The children in our school love Halloween so dress up day was great fun! There were lots of fun, scary and creative costumes this year. Well done everyone for all the hard work you put into your costumes.
Sam Maguire’s Visit – October 2019
Dublin are 5 in a row champions!!!! We were very excited to welcome Sam Maguire to our school in October. The children gave the players a huge cheer! We have our fingers crossed that we’ll be in the mix for the six!!